Helping you find your wings.

Psychotherapy, Counseling and Consultation Services

Practice Specialty Areas:

  • Adoption/Foster Care, Adoption Reunion, Attachment

  • Play Therapy

  • Trauma, Complex Trauma, Dissociation

  • EMDR- Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing


  • Anxiety/Depression

  • Neurodiversity Affirming care/ ADHD

Services Offered:

  • Psychotherapy for children, adolescents and adults.

  • Consultation and supervision for professionals.

  • Speaking engagements, book readings/signings and presentations.

FeatherLight Counseling

Many birds fly in the sky, not all birds soar. Sometimes finding your wings means a penguin’s deep dive, or the running speed of an ostrich. At FeatherLight we respect individual needs and work to meet people where they are. Your mental health goals are our goals. We help you find your wings.

A unique to you approach

Our minds and bodies strive to protect and preserve our integrity. With FeatherLight we will assist you in growing strategies for living your best life, capitalizing on the skills and knowledge you already have within. Therapy with us will focus on your strengths to help build you up.


We are currently out of network with all insurance companies. We will provide you with a superbill to submit for reimbursement.

Payments can be made in cash, check or processed via square. Most credit cards are accepted.

Ready to find your wings?

Reach out.