Helping you find your wings.

Insurance Information

At this time FeatherLight Counseling and Consultation, LLC is out of network (OON) with all major healthcare insurance companies. Some insurance providers have an OON benefit for members, it is up to each individual to know and understand their individual plan. This means that you are required to pay the fee for psychotherapy/counseling services up front. Out of Network coverage is not a guarantee that the services are going to be paid for by your plan or at what rate the insurance carrier will reimburse you. I will do my best to help you understand your individual coverage and the potential costs based on your plan. I will help you to seek the reimbursement, but I am not responsible for denial of your claims.

FeatherLight Counseling and Consultation, LLC may contract with specific insurance plan carriers in the future and may contract with other groups on a case-by-case basis.

You will be provided with a “Good Faith Estimate” as required by the “No Suprises Act” which went into effect January 1, 2022 at our first appointment and can access a copy here.

Find your wings.