Our Rates

Initial Assessment

Our first appointment together is to get to know each other, learn about each other and set up how we will work together. We will complete a lot of paperwork and I will help make sure it is easy to understand for you. In-person is preferred especially for children, but telehealth is available on the secure platform.

60 mins | $150 
120 mins | $250 

Play Therapy

In-person for children. Children learn and communicate through play at the youngest ages. Using play and creative arts in counseling lets me work with children on their level.

50 mins | $150

30 mins | $75  


Talk therapy utilizing various modalities custom tailored to meet an individual’s unique needs. We will work to integrate techniques and strategies that compliment your natural strengths and abilities. In-person or telehealth available.

53 mins | $150  


EMDR- eye movement desensitization reprocessing is a specialized, evidence-based trauma therapy helps to resolve emotional difficulties cause by the memories of difficult life experiences. In-person or via telehealth online for adults.

50 mins |  $150  

Providing you the space to heal.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.