Happy 1st Birthday FeatherLight !

It’s been just about a year since beginning this endeavor to create something new. An anxious, exciting, confusing year filled with the full range of emotion. What’s happened so far? As I look back at the planning stage and how big this endeavor was the boarder story takes shape- Never give up. There was so much learning and there is a long way to go but in celebration of making it up to a full year.

Let’s take a look at what happened from October of 2022 until now;

  • We worked with an accountant and opened the LLC.

  • We built a website.

  • We created office space that holds space for children to adults.

  • We found ways to make whatever we were presented with work in that space.

  • We met new colleagues and made unexpected connections.

  • We made referrals to colleagues with different knowledge bases and expertise.

  • We finished and published “The Suggestion Box” children’s book.

  • We completed the EMDR certification process.

  • We became a Registered Play Therapist TM.

  • We built a sandtray by hand!

  • Toys and games were tested by my two favorite humans- who absolutely contribute more than they realize.

  • We were featured on 2 podcasts.

  • We were named a New Jersey “2023 Kids’ favorite Doc”.

    It wasn’t a single thing that made this all possible. It wasn’t all luck. As I sit to reflect on all the growth and just how much has happened over the year, I recognize that if I had not stepped outside my comfort zone, the people I’ve met, the ones who received help, the ones who’ve helped me- maybe those paths would not have crossed.

    As FeatherLight continues into year number two, hopes and dreams abound. Recognizing that discomfort is part of the growth, honoring the emotions, and accepting support allows space for new learning, new ideas to take flight.

    In a year I hope to look back and see. Presented at a professional conference. Moved to exploring creating training courses. Moved the next children’s book towards completion. Helping more clients find their wings. I hope to keep learning through continuing education. Maybe I will consider becoming an EMDR consultant in training, or a steps towards becoming a trainer, or even exploring my doctoral degree.

    The possibilities are there and I’m looking forward to where my wings may take me in this upcoming year.


Shhhh… It’s a secret. Say no way for safety!


The Suggestion Box