The Suggestion Box

Exciting news today! The Suggestion Box is now available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

As I reflect back on the journey of idea, through the editing into a book process I find myself impressed by how much goes on behind the scenes for a book. The amount of support always reminds me not to work in a vacuum and to tap what resources are available to you. I think about ways to step out of my own comfort zone, since I ask this of clients on a daily basis. I’m grateful to the supportive people in my life.

Last, I want to share there will be coloring pages of all the characters and some question sheets for educators, therapists or parents to make discussion possible so it’s an enjoyable, educational experience for children.

I hope everyone enjoys The Suggestion Box as much as I enjoyed creating it. Please do share your reviews


Happy 1st Birthday FeatherLight !


Moving Day.